Wertebasiertes Beziehungsmarketing in der Schule


08.05.2017: Premiere für den englischsprachigen Conscious Marketing Impulse Workshop an der business.academy.donaustadt. Dem Anlass und den tollen Englischkenntnissen der Schülerinnen und Schüler entsprechend, schreibe ich diesen Blog-Artikel ausnahmsweise in Englisch.

A Cool School

Do you know there is a unique HAK experience class in Vienna that teaches sustainable economies in vivid and varied ways? This is evolutionary, I think!

Are you aware that 88 % of the German speaking people long for a different economic system (Bertelsmann Stiftung 2010 and 2012)? One branch of this school answers this huge need and pioneers to be the desired economic change! I’m so delighted to see that a different type of business school is possible now, an innovative, up-to-date educational space where young people

  • work together with mindful partners who run fair businesses,
  • attain knowledge and develop new skills in project days/weeks and
  • experience culture, creativity and social resposibility as an integral part of the curriculum and their personal growth!

An Awesome Invitation

Karin Kiss, class teacher of a HAK experience class, invited me to do a Conscious Marketing Impulse Workshop for her students which I did today. If you had told me earlier that I’d ever again enter a business school –  after I was relieved to leave one 35 years ago – you’d have seen me frowning and shaking my head. Back then it was unthinkable that a small business owner, rooted in conscious business principles, would have made it into a class room. It’s ever so good to see that there’s societal and educational progress!

Colorful Sparks for Resonant Relationship Marketing

The purpose of this workshop was to spark the business students’ zest for resonant customer communication. Look how they mastered value-based Conscious Marketing challenges! 🙂

Leela und Sofie

On the 8th of May Ulrike Haiden visited our school, to introduce Conscious Marketing to us. She held a Power Point presentation where she described 4 types of target groups. The first type of customers she mentioned were the Imperials. They want products that make them look good so that they can show them off and they want the best quality possible. The second group is traditional. They prefer practical and family friendly products. Third on her list was the modern cliental. They are all about luxury, elegance and price. After them Ulrike talked about the post modern purchasers. They stand for natural, organic and regional produce. We talked about these specific target groups for a while.

She then brought out a huge poster where the groups’ names were stuck on. We then had to assign a few personas to these categories.

Afterwards we received a list of different expressions that we matched to different customer types.

Then we separated into 4 different groups and had to pick from a number of non-existent companies. We could then choose what directions we would like to go: imperial, traditional, modern and post modern.

We presented these companies and Ulrike then said farewell and left.

Overall, the workshop was quite interesting. We were sufficiently informed and learned some new stuff. One thing she could improve: When we were working on the poster she should have written down, what colour stood for which target group.

In our opinion conscious marketing is a great idea that should be practiced everywhere. It really helps you address the customers that will buy your product.

Vanessa und Manuela

The Workshop

Mrs. Haiden joined us on our Workshop about Conscious Marketing. She talked about how it works. There are four different types of characters. The first one is the “Imperial” one, this type knows exactly what he/she wants and is unbreakable. The second one is called “Traditional”, it´s someone who is very family friendly and don´t care only about themselves. The other type is the “Modern” one. If you put much value on luxurious and elegant things, then you are the character “Modern”. “Post Modern” is for example organic, natural and uses fair trade.


We liked about the workshop, that we could be active. It´s also good, that Mrs. Haiden gave us a vocabulary list with the new words on it. We worked together in groups and had to go into these four types of characters. That was nice, because it was good to see how others introduce the Counscious Marketing. We don´t find any negative aspects about the workshop. Overall, it was a great experience.

Junior Company

Our target group in our company is “Post Modern”, because our t-shirts are fair trade and bio. We learned a lot of this Junior Company, it’s not that easy how it looks like. We produced the t-shirts at our own and designed the t-shirts.


Foto: Plakatausschnitt, Mag. Karin Kiss

Video: SchülerInnen der 2. Klasse der business.academy.donaustadt


Wertebasiertes Beziehungsmarketing für GründerInnen, Selbständige und KMU in der Conscious Business Lounge

Kontakt: Ulrike Haiden